Reasons for not acting on authentic hadiths according to the imams of the four schools of thought: an applied study on some hadiths of Bulugh al-Maram


Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Sunnah, Umm Al-Qura University


The research deals with the reasons for not acting on the authentic hadiths according to the four imams, an applied study on some of the hadiths of Bulugh al-Maram. This topic is of great importance in that it is an applied study to find out the excuses with which the imams of the four schools of thought apologized for not acting on some hadiths, by knowing the evidence they relied on by looking at their books. The plan of work required that I begin with an introduction that explains the importance of the topic and the approach followed in it. Then I divided the research into four sections. The first section: The authentic hadiths that the Hanafi scholars did not use. The second section: The authentic hadiths that the Malikis did not use. The third section: The authentic hadiths that the Malikis did not use. The fourth section of the Shafi’i school of jurisprudence: Authentic hadiths that the Hanbalis did not follow. Then I concluded with the conclusion and arrived at the results of the research, the most important of which is: The difference in jurisprudential rulings between the imams of the four schools of thought arises from the difference in evidence that they relied upon in deriving the ruling. There is no imam among the imams of the four schools of thought to respond. An established hadith on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, based on his own desires.


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