Taking into account the circumstances of those invited and their impact on the call to God


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies Specialization (Islamic advocacy and culture) Omdurman Islamic University - Sudan College of Science and Arts, Khamis Mushait - King Khalid University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The research deals with knowing the impact of taking into account the circumstances of those invited on the success of the advocacy process through the noble Prophet’s guidance. Since the success of the call to God Almighty and the achievement of its goals depend on the preacher’s good consideration of the conditions of the invitees and his understanding of their circumstances, and failure to take into account the conditions of the invitees leads to the failure of the preacher in his call, which makes him despair, which leads to a major defect in the preaching process. If taking into account the circumstances of those invited in the call is important, then in this era there is a greater need for what came before it in light of expansion, openness, and the different circumstances of those invited. The circumstances of those invited from the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and up to this day, have been constantly changing, which requires choosing appropriate methods and means to deal with the conditions and circumstances surrounding them.The preacher’s acquisition of advocacy skills through his knowledge of the positions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his ability to diagnose the conditions of those called upon, enables him to optimally employ the capabilities of the call and determine the methods, approaches.


Main Subjects

  • المصادر والمراجع

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