Sheikh Zakaria Al-Ansari al-Azharia and his Method in his Book "Al- Maksid" to Summarize What is in the Guide "A theoretical comparative study with the original book of the guide to Oman


Interpretation and Quranic Sciences Department, Islamic Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman


The research for Imam Zakaria al-Ansari al-Azhari and his method in his book “Al- Maksid” to summarize the content of Al-Morshid Al-Omani and his knowledge of them and their books indicating the difference between them and the purpose of the research to:
Presenting Al- Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Omani, his guide book. The presentation of Imam Zakaria al-Ansari Al-Azhari, his book "Al- Maksid" to summarize what is in the book of " Al- Morshid" highlighting Sheikh Zakaria Al-Ansari's method in his book of "Al- Maksid", comparing destination with its original form "Al- Morshid Al- Omani".
The researcher has used the inductive method by extrapolating ,  comparative method by comparing the two books with the analytical method through analyzing some words and opinions to demonstrate the depth and importance of the books in the stop and start and at the end of the research the researcher has reached some findings, the most important of them are:
Imam Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Omani is a great scholar in Arabic language and Quranic sciences. This is what he qualified him to compose "Al- Morshid" book that is admired by Sheikh Ansari Al-Azhari and abbreviated it in the books of "Al- Maksid". He is skilled in his selection of the book “Al- Morshid” from among the other books of " for his accurate information and less explanations in his analogues.


Main Subjects

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