Guarantees the Success of Sharia Control in Islamic Banks


Department of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman


The study aims to demonstrate the guarantees of the success of Sharia control, which is verified by two main factors: the independence of Shari' a control and the obligation of its decisions, by examining it as a theoretical base in Islamic banks in general. The problem of research is summarized in the main question: What are the factors for the success of Sharia control and its guarantees in Islamic banks in general? It has the following questions:
What is the concept of independence of legitimate oversight? What is the principle of legitimate oversight independence? What are the means of achieving the independence of Sharia Supervisory and the factors affecting it? What impact does Sharia Supervisory have on the legitimacy of banking transactions? How compulsory are Sharia Supervisory decisions? What is the concept of compulsory?
What are the mandatory sources of advisory opinions and decisions of legitimate oversight bodies? What is the impact and importance of mandatory advisory opinions and decisions of legitimate oversight bodies?
The research has followed the descriptive method due to the nature of some research topics, the inductive method in addition to the comparative method to compare the statements of scholars and researchers.
The study has been concluded with a statement of the results of the research, the most important of them: among the most important factors leading to the of the Sharia control system, the operationalization of its role is the independence of the Sharia oversight bodies, and the obligation of its advisory opinions and decisions.


Main Subjects

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