Unchangeability between the Claim of Weakness and Progressive Use


Department of Linguistic Sciences, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Egypt


The research focuses on discussing the weakness claim of unchangeability as an established grammatical asset, discusses the insights of the ancestral and modernists of this grammatical asset, and examines the most important reasons that he believes they have helped to stabilize the case in old and recent times.
The research has examined the methodological and applied differences between measurement and unchangeability, especially as they met the idea of origin, resulting in different directives for the same issue, which the research has discussed and reached a rule that would help to differentiate between them.
The study is not confined to the theoretical aspect, but to the applied aspect, where it has followed the use of the grammatists in a book of controversial issues in grammar for Al- Okbary.
The Arab scholars, headed by Ibn Jinni, applied all grammatical evidence, including the unchangeability. They have mentioned this or not, as evidenced by their valuable discussions of Arabic issues throughout the history of grammatical composition.
Unchangeability and measurement do not hide the overlap between them, especially in application, so the research sought to establish a thorough and concise all-encompassing rule: if the reason exists, the measurement is found, and if the rule is expelled, the unchangeability can be found.


Main Subjects

  • ثبت المصادر والمراجع


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