The Active Components in Building the National Identity in Saudi Poetry - Diwan (Hazmiyyat) as a Model Analytical descriptive study


Department of Rhetoric and Literature, Taif University, Saudi Arabia


The study aims to search for the effective components in building the Saudi national identity through the poems of the Saudi poets in the Diwan of (Hazmiyat - Hymns from the Inspiration of the Decisive Storm). By looking at the texts, the opinion is established on dividing the dynamic components into three main divisions, and each component has its own subdivisions:

The historical component (national and religious)
The national component (the national personalities, the values ​​of the Saudi component, and the cohesion between the people and the leadership)
The emotional component (homeland, flag and emblem, and Armed Forces)

The dynamic components are the motives that consciously or unconsciously drive the poets to express the subject of national identity according to an expressive system that affects their texts, so these texts become similar to the extent that they are almost produced in one expressive image that has the same lines, features and colours. However, they differ in the details, and I chose to name these elements ‘components’ because they are integrated together in the movement of poetic expression, and are closely intertwined in the national poetic texts. This integration and correlation form the whole picture of the national identity according to my investigation of the texts under consideration in the study that I hope will add novelty to the field of Saudi national identity.


Main Subjects

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