Exiting rules from women for obligatory prayers, Friday and Eid (comparative jurisprudence study)


Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


This research deals with the definition of the elderly women and woman in her menopause, the relationship between them, the statement of menopause, the statement of  getting out of the elderly women for the obligatory prayer in the mosque, and getting out of the elderly women for Friday prayers and the two Eid prayers. It was the most important findings that the elderly women is the one who stays away from menstruation and children, and from husbands, so she does not hope for marriage, nor do men hope for her. In addition, among the terms that are applied to the elderly women in the books of jurists are: al-Mutajalah, the old, the elderly, and the Malikis singled out the mention of the term al-Mutajalah. And that the woman in her menopause is the one who stopped menstruating, and that the woman in her menopause is not estimated at a certain age, and it is dependent on the condition of the woman, not the time, according to the most correct view. And that the elderly women and the woman in her menopause is between them in general and specific, so every elderly women is woman in her menopause, and not every woman in her menopause is elderly women. That the provisions related to the elderly women and permission for them are not related to despair  of menstruation only, but rather to the controls mentioned in the definition of the elderly women, and that the elderly women is allowed to go out to the mosque to perform the obligatory prayers, and supererogatory prayers, with the preference of her praying in her home.


Main Subjects

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