this research is tackling the copied sayings of Imam ElShawkani in explanation the conquer of Allah in Lokman chapter as a model, as this study is aiming all copied saying of imam ElShawkani in his explanation of the conquer of Allah so in this chapter will know the curriculum in copying sayings and to discover the copying sayings and to state their sources in copying and the method through his explanation so this thesis has an introduction and three chapters and conclusion regarding the introduction in which is included the importance of the subject and the reason of chosen it and previous studies and the objective of this thesis and its limitation and the followed curriculum and the plans and then the first section is the identification of Imam ElShawkani and the second section is identification of the explanation of conqueror Allah and then the third section is the applied study in Lokman chapter so there is many and variety of sayings copied among the explanation and readings and grammar and jurisprudence as many were copied from Imam Kortobi peace be up for him and mostly we cannot say that the copying will be recommended and considered it to whom have copied them as the concern of Imam ElShawkani , peace be upon him, to support their sayings and the relation to their processors
albahr almuhit fi altafsiri, 'abu hayaan muhamad bin yusif bin ealiin al'andalusii (t 745hi), ta/ dar alfikri, bayrut, 1420hi, tahqiqu: sidqi muhamad jamil.
albadr altaalie bimahasin min baed alqarn alsaabiei, muhamad bin ealii bin muhamad bin eabdallah alshuwkanii (t 1250hi), ta/ dar almaerifati, bayrut, bidun tabeat wabidun tarikhi.
albadur alzaahirat fi alqira'at aleashr almutawatirat min tariqay alshaatibiat waldurati, eabd alfataah bin eabd alghani bin muhamad alqadi (t 1403ha), ta/ dar alkutaab alearabi, bayrut, lubnan, bidun tabeat watarikhi.
altadhkirat fi alqira'at althaman, 'abu alhasan tahir bin eabd almuneim bin ghilbun (t 399hi), ta/ aljameiat alkhayriat litahfiz alquran alkarimi, jidat, ta4, 1407hi, tahqiqu: 'ahmad eabd alghafur eatar.
altafsir albasiti, 'abu alhasan eali bin 'ahmad bin muhamad bin eali alwahidii (t 468hi), ta/ eimadat albahth aleilmi, jamieat al'iimami, alrayad, ta1, 1430h, tahqiqu: lajnat eilmiat min jamieat al'iimami.
tafsir alsidii alkabir, 'abu muhamad 'iismaeil bin eabd alrahman bin 'abi karimat alsidii (t 128hi), ta/ dar alwafa'i, almansurati, masr, ta1, 1414hi, tahqiqu: muhamad eata yusif.
tafsir alquran aleazimi, 'abu alfida' 'iismaeil bin eumar bin kathir alqurashiu (t 774hi), ta/ dar alkutub aleilmiati, bayrut, ta1, 1419hi.
tafsir muqatil bin sulayman, 'abu alhasan muqatil bin sulayman bin bashir al'azdii albalakhii (t 150hi), ta/ dar 'iihya' alturath alearabi, bayrut, ta1, (1423h) tahqiqu: eabdallah mahmud shahata.
alhujat lilquraa' alsabeati, 'abu eali alhasan bin 'ahmad bin eabd alghafaar alfarisiu (t 377hi), ta/ dar almamun liltarath, dimashqa, ta2, 1413hi, tahqiqu: badr aldiyn qahwaji wabashir juyjabi.
aldir almasuwn fi eulum alkitaab almaknuni, 'abu aleabaas 'ahmad bin yusif bin eabd aldaayim alhalabii (756hi), ta/ dar alqalami, dimashqa, bidun tarikhi, tahqiqi: du/ 'ahmad muhamad alkharati.
ruh almaeani fi tafsir alquran aleazim walsabe almathani, mahmud bin eabdallah alhusayni al'alusi (t 1270h), ta/ dar alkutub aleilmiati, bayrut, ta1, 1415h.
zad almasir fi eilm altafsiri, 'abu alfaraj eabd alrahman bin ealii bin muhamad aljawzii (t 597hi), ta/ dar alkutaab alearabi, bayrut, ta1, 1422h.
maealim altanzil fi tafsir alqurani, 'abu muhamad alhusayn bin maseud albaghawii (t 510hi), ta/ dar tiibat, ta4, 1417hi, tahqiqu: muhamad eabdallah alnamir, waeuthman jumeat damiriat, wasulayman muslim alharash.
maeani alquran, 'abu zakariaa yahyaa bin ziad bin eabdallah alfara' (t 207h), ta/ dar almisriat liltaalif waltarjamatu, masr, ta1, bidun tarikhi, tahqiqi: 'ahmad yusif najati, wamuhamad eali alnajar, waeabd alfataah 'iismaeil alshalabi.
almukarir fi ma tawatur min alqira'at alsabe watahariru, eumar bin alqasim bin muhamad bin ealiin al'ansarii (t 938hi), ta/ dar alkutub aleilmiati, bayrut, ta1, 1422hi.
manahij almufasirina, du/ manie bin eabd alhalim mahmud (t 1430hi), ta/ dar alkitaab almisrii, alqahirati, 1421hi.
alnukt waleuyunu, 'abu alhasan eali bin muhamad bin habib almawardii albasariu, ta/ dar alkutub aleilmiati, bayrut, lubnan, tahqiqi: alsayid bin eabd almaqsud bin eabd alrahim.
alwsit fi tafsir alquran almajid, 'abu alhasan eali bin 'ahmad bin muhamad bin eali alwahidii (t 468hi), ta/ dar alkutub aleilmiati, bayrut, lubnan, ta1, 1415hi, tahqiqu: majmueat min almuhaqiqina.
elshahri, M. A. K. (2023). the copied saying of Imam ElShawkani the conquer of Allah Lokman Chapter as a model. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 39(1), 803-850. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2023.308364
Mohamed Ali Kashmir elshahri. "the copied saying of Imam ElShawkani the conquer of Allah Lokman Chapter as a model", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 39, 1, 2023, 803-850. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2023.308364
elshahri, M. A. K. (2023). 'the copied saying of Imam ElShawkani the conquer of Allah Lokman Chapter as a model', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 39(1), pp. 803-850. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2023.308364
elshahri, M. A. K. the copied saying of Imam ElShawkani the conquer of Allah Lokman Chapter as a model. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2023; 39(1): 803-850. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2023.308364