Speech of Gold and Silver In the light of the theory of Reasoning fields (analytical study )


Arabic language section – king Abdelaziz university – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The theory of the reasoning fields in one of the important modern theories that was developed in the twentieth of the last century as it is aiming the diminish   the scope of the dictionaries approaches or the meanings in its arrangements  according to the specific system as the connection is obvious among the words as it is connected  one to the other from the perspective of the materials meanings as also considered as a turning points in the history of the  modern reasoning science
 Therefore, this study aims to stand on the differences accurately between the  metals of decoration specialized for the speeches of silver and gold one of the most important of existed reasoning between the one filed in which is generated from the reasoning conscious advanced that refers to the content of speeches of silver and gold according to specific number  such ; meaning – opposition and comprehensive
This research in included of  an introduction and four axes, the first axe is handling the theory of reasoning of fields and the second is handling the reasoning relationship – and the third is handling the importance of the reasoning filed theory and finally the fourth axe is handling : the speeches of gold and silver in the theory of reasoning fields ( an applied study ) on the descriptive analytical curriculum that based on the classification of speeches of silver and gold including the dictionaries fields and to discover the different reasoning and meanings and the differences linguistics among them     


Main Subjects

المصادر والمراجع
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