The usual rhetorical miraculous between surrounded of the phrase and preventing from descriptiveness


department : Arabic studies، Rhetoric and criticism ، Faculty of Arts، King saoud University ، Riyadh ، Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Most of rhetorical  people  see the aspects of  miraculous of Holy Quran as an inference on expressions and putting the hand on it , as this opinion is mostly popular , as much as we should investigate it and  for review and interlocutor   with its followers as I have specialized this research to discover the purposes as I  can stand on truth of this opinion and to examine it to make the situation more clear and obvious , therefore this research showing another perspective  as the followers of the Holy Quran see the miraculous of it by realizing the sole tasty then the miraculous as seen by them is hard  to be explained  and it could not be   inference , so all what have been seen are likely as miraculous to be explained the opinion which are more popular and  captive but the last  opinion if it is invisible in books for the glimpser as much as to show the misleading in opinion but it could be seen more weighted for you, as the adaptors of the scientists who  have a large rooted sciences and the followers of explanations could be seen declaring the miraculous and to interpret the advantage of Quran, and the clarifying of its miraculous , so this is an important perspective to show the other attitudes and to clarifying it , accordingly it wishes to be an incentive and motives to open a new window for other studies of Quran and richened 


Main Subjects

  1. المصادر والمراجع

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