Eltayeb Saleh – between two homelands ( readings in Book of Sudan my homeland )


Section of criticism and literature – university of faculty at Kharma – Eltaef university – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research handles the self – fission of the expatriate literature from its own homeland between two status ; one is the loyalty of the homeland of origin, and the second is : the expatriate status , as the search another and alternative homeland to achieve the missed oneself  through ( Sudan my homeland ) for the writer and novelist ElTayeb Saleh
This research aims to state of the writer specifilly of the ElTayeb Saleh toward  his  homeland and the alternative home   also This work has never got out of the vision of each writers for their homeland
In this research , we are near to the thought of homeland for the writer ElTayeb Saleh through his writings ( Sudan my Homeland ) in which he shows to spout the tensions through the anxious status of existence due to his long trip out of the hugs of the homeland and out of place of uterine which formed and made the oneself and provided it with privacy with also the characteristics and the originality of shapes which confronted by his expatriates of long times   in other homes, as it is far from the warmness of homeland and the tribes as his works has become famous and his experience was deepened so then he came again to write with the spirit of thoughtful and writer about the homeland


Main Subjects

المصادر والمراجع
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