Hebrew Andalusian Poetry in the modern Criticism studies


Department of literature and Andalusian studies – Arabic studies Section – faculty of humanitarian and social studies King Saoud university – Riaydh – kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This study aims to examine the level of some important readings of the scholars specialized in the Hebrew and Literature studies , who are belonging to a specific and some  academic associations and other area of different and variable thoughts as this study has focused on the differentiation of the  point of view regarding the Anadalusian Hebrew poetry as according to the induction studies this levels and its results has reached to into two major  parts ; one is discussing the different subjects of harmonization and the parallel and the other one is focusing on the two phoneme the breakdown of prediction and other sayings as both of those parts from the point of the view of the researcher has identified to the narrow in all overwhelming and then the study has focused on the inductive analytical methodologies  which adopted the procedures of the theory of counterpartyed  as the different  study of the criticism has touched the Hebrew poetry in relation to the Criticizers and its entries and the methods of processing
As this study has demonstrated the role of comparative studies in receiving the Hebrew Andalusia poetry and their necessities for the modern criticizers therefore the study has relied on the Arabic Literature  heritages logically in nearing the texts, as from the point of that  the Andalusia literature and culture is Arabian in all generally as we can say that the nearing in comparison is a core of some and few criticized studies from the criticism studies in the mentioned levels 


Main Subjects

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