The endowment and its effects in preserving the society


Sharia section – Faculty of Religious conpcets and Sharia – King Khaled University – Kingodm of Saudi Arabia


This research is clarifying the concept  of the endowment in linguistically and in terminology as between the both definitions  there is a significant relation between the legalized definition in which is mandatory  in non- dealing with the endowment of the premise as it is a core of fruit in the good acts as the relation between them are deep so the prohibition and preventions and the accentuation in the premise are meaning the freezing of linguistics so the legalized definition is derivate from the its linguistic meaning with noting the more meaning of Sharia and legalization as we mentioned the importance of the endowment and its blessings in the running charities that does not separated after the death the charity person as all hadiths have many sayings in its  goodies as also it refer to a good people as they have the best ways of righteous as we talked on their variety and types and we mentioned that there is three goody and national and co- joint acts as the third one is included two types one is the corners of the endowment and its terms and conditions and we mentioned four corners of the endowment with its terms and conditions such funds and the endowment and charity person  and the place receiver of the endowment  and its drafting considered as we have clarified the corners of the four and mentioned the terms said by the jurisprudents as we talked about the endowment and its roles  for society solidarity .


Main Subjects

أهم المصادر والمراجع  :
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8-     حاشية ابن عابدين ، ط دار إحياء التراث العربي بيروت .
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10-    الربط والزوايا والتكايا البغدادية في العهد العثماني ، أحمد الدراجي بغداد دار الشروق الثقافية ط 2001 م  .  
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18-    محاضرات  في الوقف للإمام محمد أبو زهرة – الطبعة الثانية – دار الفكر العربي  - القاهرة .
19-    المصباح المنير – للفيومي  - المكتبة العلمية  .
20-    معجم الفقه الحنبلي ، وازرة الأوقاف الكويتية ، دار الفكر .
21-    معجم المصطلحات الاقتصادية د / نزيه حماد ، المعهد العالي للفكر الإسلامي .
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23-    مغني المحتاج إلى معرفة معاني ألفاظ المنهاج الشربيني الخطيب طبعة مصطفى البابي الحلبي بمصر ، 1377 هـ ، 1958 م  .
24-    الموسوعة الفقهية التي تصدرها وزارة الأوقاف والشئون الإسلامية بالكويت ، الطبعة الثانية 1409 هـ 1989 م ، مطبعة ذات السلاسل بالكويت .
25-     نحو تفعيل مقاصد الشريعة ، د / جمال الدين عطيه ، دمشق ، دار الفكر 2001 م .
26-    الوقف مفهومه وفضله وأنواعه ، مؤتمر الأوقاف الأول في المملكة العربية السعودية د/ إسماعيل حسنين البدوي ، مكة المكرمة شعبان 1422 هـ .
27-    الوقف وأثره في التنمية ، عبدالملك السعدي ، بغداد الدار الوطنية ط 1 ، 2000 م  .
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