The element of personality in the Quaranic Novel


Department of Ilamic studies- faculty of science and Islamic studies – Shoqraa University – Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research is entitled of The elements  of personality in  quaranic  novel , as this research is aiming the concept of quaranic novel in concentrating on one of the elements in the personality element as in order to do so , this research has introduction and  three sections and a conclusion finally   regarding the introduction  has discussed the importance of the thesis and problems and objectives however the three sections have handled the first chapter the concept of the novel and its elements  in the Arabic language and then the second chapter is handling the concept of the novel  types and characteristics and objective and elements whereas the third chapter is focusing on the element of the personality  in the quaranic novel
Therefore we reached the most important results  all of which : the quaranic novel that has the highest level in rhetoric and clarification as these novels are true not from a fiction was developed and not a legends that told during the era of times but each of which has a specific purpose and meaning as according to the wisdom of God in telling the story in some versus such as preaching  is to continue the other sides of the story as all of which are integrated all together for more exemplary and preaching.


Main Subjects

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