Towards the hearts of Ibn Ajiba


Department of Doctrine and Philosophy, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Banat Al،Qalyubia, Egypt


The Sufi behavior symbolically expresses abound meanings that normal language cannot describe, ascends the sufis' status to the highest degree of gratitude according to the Sufism      experience.                                               
The Sufis ،in their expression of the conscience and meanings poured from Allah the Almighty on mystics hearts، depended on terms presented as symbols and signs that combine their knowledge and facts in arabic words that has indications quoted from their interpretation of the Quranic text.
Ibn Ajiba is considered the best one who explained signals in Sufism and expressed what Allah the Almighty poured on to mystics hearts that dependes on sweetness they felt; being close to God. This signal includes witticism, secrets and cognitive science that the speech cannot describe for how ineffable
In order to reach the highest levels of closeness to god, Sufi overcomes all obstacles through his personal experience. He gained this experience from teachings of Qura’n, so that his special behavior is influenced by the teachings of the holy Qura’n, which include divine concepts and signs that Sufi consider them truly great speech to attain closeness to Allah at the end of path of gratitude.
There is no god but Allah, the most beloved of words and the best words that declare monotheism, the most honorable testimony that assured his great existence, everything other than him is mortal. Sufi sees nothing but Allah the honor of majesty, transcends all short comings, glorified is Allah. Self of Sufi disappears and the divine manifestation remains.


Main Subjects

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