Shawqi Daif’s Choices for Almodawna Alfardyah in Arabic Prose The model of Aljahez


Assistant Professor in the Department of Literature in Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University


This study entitled "The choices of Shawqi Daif for Almodawna Alfardya in the Arabic prose- Aljahez as a model", its aim is to show the method of the blog and the followed standard to choose from the literary prose when he deals with just one creative author highlighting his way in manipulating prose. Besides, his critical and literal viewpoints are revealed herein.  
This study is organized in an introduction that reviews the most two important books of Shawqi Daif in this context. "The art and its directions in the Arabic prose" and "History of Arab literature", then five sections examining the position of Shawqi Daif and Aljahez, revealing the choices of Shawqi Daif of literary and critical conditions at Aljahez, looking at the choices elected by Shawqi Daif; They are messages, debates, stories and anecdotes.
The clarity of Daif's perception of the absence of using some of the expressions of expression, or of the usage shift between the age of Aljahez and the modern era in which it is composed; This realization appears by adding the meaning of the old vocabulary of Aljahez to clarify the meaning, and considering the deviation of the meaning from its origin.


Main Subjects

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