"Fsoul mn syrat Alramad" for Zahrani


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language College of Science and Arts in Rass Al Qussaim university


This study deals with some of the poems of the Saudi poet Saleh al-Zahrani's "Fsoul mn syrat Alramad", which deals with them with critically and analytically. To identify some symbolic connotations in his poetry and the purpose of employing the historical and religious heritage in his poetry as an amusement to recall those heritage figures, fleeing the defeatist reality that surrounded the nation, and recalling the positions and place of the nation's greats characters among nations in the past. She may find her place in a loyal heart that rid the nation of its repression as it has many times before.
The study aims to highlight the impact of historical figures to relieve the poet and his feelings. To encourage facing successive setbacks to the nation, the study came in three sections, the first section examines Linguistically symbolic connotations, containing two directions, the first one of them is the concept of connotations in language and terminology, and the second one is the concept of symbolism is language and terminology. The second section is entitled: Symbolic connotations and poetry and includes two axes. The first axis is the relationship between poetry and symbolism, and the second axis is the importance of using the symbol in the poetry process and its connotations. The third section is entitled: Symbolic connotations of historical employment, which included three elements: time, place, and character.


Main Subjects

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