Economic impacts of Ethiopia's Alnahda Dam on the economic development of Ethiopia and Egypt - fears and opportunities


PhD in Economics and Public Finance


Egyptian concerns about the impact of the Alnahda Dam project on Egypt's share of the waters of the Nile River that mainly relies on to meet its growing water needs as disputes have not subsided. Particularly with Ethiopia's intransigence in the implementation of the project. There is no binding agreement to preserve the Egyptian rights in the Nile's water without which serious economic and social repercussions would threaten the Egyptian state entity. Many scenarios have been supposed about the problem of Alnahda Dam and how to deal with its repercussions at all levels.
This research is going to address the other aspect of the effects of Alnahda Dam project through highlighting the available opportunities of exchange between the Egyptian and Ethiopian parties. That can be invested as a means of transit for the GERD crisis by objectively highlighting Ethiopia's motivations to proceed on to this project through identifying the features of the road map. Moreover, it reveals the Ethiopian Government's strategic vision of the international development and the programs of specialized international organizations.
 It aims to benefit from the financial and technical assistance which is promoted locally and externally as a national event to restore Ethiopia's long history as it is claimed. This is despite Ethiopia's incompatibility with the instruments and treaties protecting Egypt's rights to preserve its water resources.


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