Suspicion demurral of the hadith of I want to write a book that you don't mislead after


PhD student, year section College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qassim University Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The research discusses of the suspicion on the prophet's hadith, "My trust in a book that I write to you as a book that you do not mislead after", to answer it from the words of the people of science while mentioning the virtues of the companions May Allah be pleased with him, and the virtues of Omar bin Al-Taliqah May Allah be pleased with him.
The first: to accuse the companions May Allah be pleased with them of marginalization of the prophecy and to prevent the Prophet Muhammed All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon him from performing his message.
Two: some of them claim that the companions May Allah be pleased with them accused the Prophet Muhammad's All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon him    distortion of the meaning.
This resemblance was received from some Shi 'ah and others, and they claim that the Prophet Muhammad All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon him wants the book to state the caliph thereafter. According to them, it is meant to stipulate Ali ibn Abi Talib May Allah be pleased with him as a calife after him and the answer to these suspicions with several answers including Kamaluddin, and the resurrection of Allah to Nabih preventing anyone from communicating the religion of Allah. Besides, he was interested in writing wasn't alive because if it were. That the companions stopped bringing the book to pity with his illness, to other detailed answers.


Main Subjects

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