The methods of some explainers of Almuwatta Altamhid of Ibn Abdul bar, Alzarqani as a model.


Assistant Professor, College of Education - Department of Quranic Studies King Saud University


Method: This research followed the extrapolative approach. Research problem: Highlighting the importance of my preface and explaining the Zarqani and how they approach the service of Almuwatta. The research plan: Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the most honored of messengers our master Muhammad and upon all his family and companion, then the research includes an introduction, a preface, three chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction discusses the importance of the topic, the reasons for its selection, and the research plan. First, a brief definition of Imam Malik, May Allah the Almighty be merciful to him.
Second: Identifying the error and summarizing its annotations, the existing one, the missing one, the printed one, and the manuscript. Then Title I contains a talk about the prelude to Ibn Abdul Bar, with four chapters: I: introduces the author briefly. II: Presents a summary of the book's scientific value. Third: States the author's method by reviewing the introduction of the book, reviewing five models of the book, and compiling the statements of scholars in his method statement. Fourth: Mentions the efforts of scholars in the book. Title II: Talks about explaining Malik's tenure to Zarqani, with four chapters: I: is a brief definition of author. Second: A statement of the book's scientific value. Third: is a presentation of the author's approach through.


Main Subjects

1- Al-Hafiz Ibn Abdul-Barr’s jurisprudential choices in worship, a comparative jurisprudential study, Dr.: Abdul-Aziz Muhammad Othman Al-Rubaish. 
2- Al-Alam, a dictionary of translations of the most famous Arab men and women, Arabists and orientalists, Khair Al-Din Al-Zarkali, House of Science for Millions, Lebanon.
3- Arranging the Perceptions and Bringing the Owner Closer to Knowing the Flags of Malik’s Doctrine, authored by Judge Iyadh bin Musa bin Ayyad, Publisher: Fadala Press of Muhammadiyah in Morocco.
4- The interpretation of Gharib Al-Muwatta, written by: Abdul Malik bin Habib Al-Andalusi, investigated by Dr.: Abdul Rahman bin Suleiman Al-Uthaymeen, publisher: Al-Obaikan Library.
5- Introduction to the meanings and chains of transmission in Al-Muwatta, by Imam Al-Hafiz Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Barr Al-Qurtubi, verified by: Muhammad Abdul Qadir Atta, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya.
6- Refinement of perfection in the names of men, by Al-Hafiz Jamal Al-Din Al-Mazi, investigated by Dr.: Bashar Awwad Maarouf, Al-Risala Foundation.
7- Selk Al-Durar fi Notables of the Second Century, Muhammad Khalil Al-Muradi, Dar Al-Bashaer Al-Islamiyyah, third edition.
8- The Life of the Nobles’ Flags, by Hafiz Shams Al-Din Muhammad Ahmad Al-Dhahabi, investigation: Shuaib Al-Arnaout, Publisher: Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut.
9- Explanation of Al-Zarqani on the Muwatta of Imam Malik, authored by: Muhammad Abdul-Baqi Youssef Al-Zarqani, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, Beirut 1432 AH - 2011 AD, fourth edition.
10- Al-Silah, written by: Abi Al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abdul-Malik bin Bashkwal, achieved by: Ibrahim Al-Abyari, publisher, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Masryah, Cairo, and Dar Al-Kutub Al-Libani, Beirut.
11- tabaqat alhifazi, lilhafiz jalal aldiyn alsuyuti, alnaashir: maktabat wahbata, alqahirati.
12- fath albari, lilhafiz abn hajar aleasqalanii.
13- malik bin 'ansa: talif eabd alghanii aldaqru.
14- mukhtalif alhadith eind al'iimam abn eabd albir erdaan wadirasatu, talifi: eabd alllh bin jabir alhamaadii, dar kunuz 'iishbilya, altabeat al'uwlaa 1433hi.
15- muejam maqayis allughati, li'abi alhusayn bin faris, tahqiq eabd alsalam harun, dar aljil bayrut.
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17- manhaj alzarqani fi sharh almuta'a, bandar al ghanim, risalat majistir, jamieat 'um alquraa, kuliyat aldaewat wa'usul aldiyn (risalat ghayr manshuratin).
18- almawqie alrasmiu lifadilat alshaykh eabd alkarim alkhudayr.
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21 almusnid alsahih almukhtasar binaql aleadl ean aleadl 'iilaa rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam
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