The truth of doubt when Imam Al-Ghazali


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Culture, University of Hail


Abstract :
Research topic: "The reality of doubt in Al-Ghazali".
The most important results: Al-Ghazali was one of the most prominent scholars who dealt with issues of the theory of knowledge, especially the question of the possibility of knowledge or not, and he was fond of science and increasing knowledge in general. A strange experience in the search for the truth, in which he fell into a doubt in which the researchers differed, and the investigation was that Imam Al-Ghazali did not adopt the destructive doubt at all, nor was he He adopts the precautionary methodological doubt in general, but he took the path of methodological doubt from the beginning and had no end after it, but he went to extremes and extremes in that until he fell into nihilistic doubt and became on the doctrine of sophistry, then he returned from that with the grace of God, and he expressed his return in a general mystical term that bears several Maan, the closest of them is that he wanted true inspiration, but he refrained from mentioning the strongest way in which he cut off the conflict, which is that the primary principles do not accept inference in terms of origin, because they are certain in themselves, and their opposite cannot be imagined under any circumstances.


Main Subjects

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