The Western Central Tendency in Oriental Studies - A Critical Analytical Study


PhD student at the Faculty of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion King Khalid University


Abstract :
 The research discussed the issue of Western centralism in Oriental studies, and the study of this issue is an analytical and critical study. It also discussed the issue of Western centralism in terms of its definition and statement of what it is.  From the Torah, the Bible, and previous religions, and that he does not have authenticity in himself or the Prophet’s Sunnah in terms of distorting it, and claiming that Islam is a fabricated synthesis of Christianity, Judaism, and Magi, and the Orientalists’ use of the psychological approach in studying the Prophet’s biography and attributing the Prophet’s prophethood, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to creative imagination, as the research dealt with  Criticism of the orientalists in their study of the Holy Qur’an or the Sunnah of the Prophet. The research also presented the way the orientalists dealt with Islamic history, in their attempt to dwarf every success of the Islamic state since the beginning of its emergence, and to focus on the oppositions and disagreements that occurred in Islamic history and turning away from studying the achievements of Muslims throughout their long history.
Abstract :
 The research discussed the issue of Western centralism in Oriental studies, and the study of this issue is an analytical and critical study. It also discussed the issue of Western centralism in terms of its definition and statement of what it is.  From the Torah, the Bible, and previous religions, and that he does not have authenticity in himself or the Prophet’s Sunnah in terms of distorting it, and claiming that Islam is a fabricated synthesis of Christianity, Judaism, and Magi, and the Orientalists’ use of the psychological approach in studying the Prophet’s biography and attributing the Prophet’s prophethood, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to creative imagination, as the research dealt with  Criticism of the orientalists in their study of the Holy Qur’an or the Sunnah of the Prophet. The research also presented the way the orientalists dealt with Islamic history, in their attempt to dwarf every success of the Islamic state since the beginning of its emergence, and to focus on the oppositions and disagreements that occurred in Islamic history and turning away 
from studying the achievements of Muslims throughout their long history.


Main Subjects

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