"The style of dialogue in the story of Adam, peace be upon him, and its importance through Surat Al-Baqarah" An analytical study


Department of advocacy (Dawah) and Islamic culture, college of dawah and fundamentals of religion, Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


             All perfect praise be to Allah, good and much pleased in this praise as it should be for His Majesty and His great authority, and prayers and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad and all his househeld and companions. The style of dialogue in the story of Adam, peace be upon him, through Surat Al-Baqarah “ the dialogue in the story of Adam peace be upon him, the dialogue with angels and dialogue with Satan have an interesting and useful style, This style made me contemplate a lot in reading the Holy Qur’an and contemplate its meanings, and looking at the books of interpretation, and through this research I reached several results, the most important of which are: The style of dialogue has many synonyms such as (argument - debate - controversy - discussion) and that dialogue is one of the elements of Adam's story peace be upon him in the surah, and we conclude from the dialogue that it must be based on: - Belief in Almighty Allah, - Having good ethics, - It is necessary to show The etiquette of dialogue, that dialogue has a profound impact on the reader and listener, - the style of dialogue in the story of Adam, peace be upon him, is characterized by intellectual persuasion,.


Main Subjects

First: the Holy Qur'an.
Secondly, the tafsir books:
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2. abn aljuzih , lil'iimam abn qiam aljawziat , badayie altafsir litafsir al'iimam abn qaym aljuzyh , tahqiq yusri alsayid muhamad , dar abn aljawzii , ta1, 1414h
3. al'alusi , al'iimam al'alusiu albaghdadiu , ruh almaeani fi tafsir alquran aleazim walsabe almathani , dar 'iihya' alturath al'iislamii , bayrut , ta1, 1422h -2001m
4. al'andalusi , muhamad bn yusif alshahir bi'abi habaan , albahr almuhit , dar alfikr , ta2, 1403h.
5. albaghui , 'abi muhamad alhusayn bin maseud rahimah allh - maealim altanzil , dar alfikr , 1399h.
6. aljazayirii , 'abu bakr jabir aljazayiriu , 'aysar altafasir likalam alealii alkabir , maktabat aleulum walhukm , ta2, 1416h, 1996m.
7. alaraazi , lil'iimam alfakhr alraazii , altafsir alkabir , dar alkutub alkabir , dar alkutub aleilmiat , tahran , ta2, 1405h.
8. alzamakhshari , 'abu alqasim mahmud bin eumar alzumakhashari alkhawarazmiu , alkashafi, dar alkutub aleilmiat , bayrut , ta1 , 1415 hu.
9. alsaedi , alshaykh eabd alrahman bin nasir , tafsir alkarim alrahman fi tafsir kalam almanan , tahaqayq tah eabd alrawuwf saed , dar alsaf.
10.      alsiuti , lil'iimam alhafiz alkabir jalal aldiyn alsuyutii , aldir almanthur fi altafsir bialmathur , dar almaerifat , bayrut.
11.      alshukani , muhamad bn eali muhamad , fath alqadir , dar alfikr , 1415hi, 1995m
12.      alsaabuny , muhamad ealaa alsaabuni , safwat altafasir , dar alturath alearabiy.
13.      alsaneani , lil'iimam eabd alrazaaq bin hisham , tafsir alquran , tahqiq mustafaa musalim muhamad , maktabat alrushdi, alriyad , ta1 , 1410 hu.
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