The Relationship of the Christianizing Movement to the Dialogue of Religions in the Islamic World A Critical Analytical Study.


Assistant Professor in the Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah Kingdom Saudi Arabia


Since the middle of the twentieth century, calls for the inter-religion dialogue have been active, and religious institutions, especially in the West, have begun to adopt, strengthen and encouraging relations between religions. These calls were received by some Muslim thinkers in the Islamic world with suspicion and doubt, because their source was the West, which sought with all its power to impose Christianity on the world, especially the Islamic world, so they saw in it a new face and a new means of Christianization.
This research concludes that, the Christianization movement played a major role to make Muslims take a negative stance against inter-religion dialogue for reasons including:-
First: the history of the church hostile to Islam.
Second: The lack of clarity in the concept of Christianization and its means that change with the change of time or place.
Third: The Church confused the inter-religion dialogue and Christianization and made them correlative. These and other reasons made the thinkers of the Islamic world in a hostile position and anti-religious dialogue.
Note: Christians use the word "missionary" and others use the word "Christianization" to call for Christianity. Both words are used in this research paper to refer to the meaning of the call for Christianity.


Main Subjects

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رابعاً المراجع الأجنبية من الانترنت:
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Our Lady of the Lake: Catholic Church, Introduction to Evangelization, Available on: (Accessed: 25 January 2022).