Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study"
This research is titled " Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study"
Where the study in this research dealt with: the grammatical setting definition, and its types, then clarifying its grammatical and morphological effects in the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book of Al-Kamil. The study of the research required that it come in an introduction, a preface, two chapters, a conclusion, and indexes:
The introduction contains definition of research topic, and the reasons for choosing it, and the plan to proceed it. And the preface: contains a brief study on: Al-Mubarrad and his book Al-Kamil. As for the first topic, it is about: “Languish Setting, its origin, types, and effects,” a theoretical study", and it contains three requirements:
The first: The Languish Setting, its meaning, its origin, and the reasons for its development. The second: the types of Languish Setting and the methods used. The third: the importance of Languish Setting, and its most prominent grammatical and morphological effects. The second topic, is about: Methods of Setting to Al-Mubarrad, and the effect of each method on the clarity of the interpreted pronunciation in the book of Al-Kamil, and it contains four requirements:
Abdel Rahim, N. A. R. M. A. R. (2022). Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study". The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 38(3), 2217-2299. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2022.250088
Nasser Abdel Rahim Mohamed Abdel Rahim Abdel Rahim. "Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study"", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 38, 3, 2022, 2217-2299. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2022.250088
Abdel Rahim, N. A. R. M. A. R. (2022). 'Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study"', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 38(3), pp. 2217-2299. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2022.250088
Abdel Rahim, N. A. R. M. A. R. Languish Setting, its types, and its effects on the clarity of the words of interpretation in the book Al-Kamil Al-Mubarrad "A descriptive and analytical study". The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2022; 38(3): 2217-2299. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2022.250088