Abu Al-Saud, W. M. A. A. (2001). Expulsion poetry (its beginnings, pioneers and most prominent characteristics). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 17(2), 781-861. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2001.228927
Wafaa Mustafa Abu Al-Saud Abu Al-Saud. "Expulsion poetry (its beginnings, pioneers and most prominent characteristics)", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 17, 2, 2001, 781-861. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2001.228927
Abu Al-Saud, W. M. A. A. (2001). 'Expulsion poetry (its beginnings, pioneers and most prominent characteristics)', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 17(2), pp. 781-861. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2001.228927
Abu Al-Saud, W. M. A. A. Expulsion poetry (its beginnings, pioneers and most prominent characteristics). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2001; 17(2): 781-861. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2001.228927