The eloquence of the Qur’anic systems in Surat Al-Insan

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Department of Rhetoric and Criticism, Faculty of Language and Arabic, Itay El-Baroud, Al-Azhar University


This research has been honored to be in the presence of the Noble Qur’an through Surat Al-Insan, and there is no doubt that the rhetorical study of the style and system of the wise Qur’an is not an easy matter because it is one of the biggest mistakes and dangers that the researcher says in the Book of God - the Almighty - what he does not know, and therefore great accuracy was taken into account. Extreme caution in preparing this research, which is issued by talking about seeking refuge and explaining its significance, and referring to its virtue, as well as the basmalah and its interpretation and statement of its virtue and the manifestation of the rhetorical subtleties that it included, as well as the definition of Surat “Al-Insan” and mentioning its names, its suitability to Surat Al-Qiyamah and determining the purposes that it contained.
Then the research moved to the study of that noble surah, and the analysis of its verses, as follows:
First: verbal analysis 0 second: general meaning 0 third: rhetorical systems 0
Verbal analysis is concerned with the Qur’anic words that need clarification and clarification in order to reveal their connotations and goals, and to identify their uses that revolve around them so that the honorable reader, especially the specialist in linguistic research, realizes them.
It was necessary for this research to be concerned with clarifying and clarifying the general meaning of the Qur’anic verses in order for the dear reader to teach him, and to identify through him the purposes and purposes of that honorable surah, and this paves the way for him to realize the different colors and rhetorical issues that lie in the verses of that surah.
Since rhetorical systems are the core and culmination of this work, this research has taken great care in highlighting and clarifying the varying colors and rhetorical terms in the verses of that glorious surah, revealing their effects, clarifying their secrets and purposes, and discussing the opinions of scholars about them, as well as standing on the secrets and subtleties of some of the words and letters mentioned in the context of those verses. This is to highlight the unique miracle of the Qur’an and the sublime rhetorical characteristics of that wise speech, which if mankind and the jinn came together to produce the like of it, they would not produce the like of it, even if they were supportive of each other, as God Almighty said: And if they were assistants to each other.” (Al-Isra: 88)

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