I will suffice in this brief reference to one of the topics of the history of Islamic legislation, which is the "legislative status of the Sunnah".
In this reference, I will discuss the most important matters related to this topic. I referred to the meaning, authority and status of the Sunnah in the Noble Qur’an, paving the way for this with a general and short word on the origin of Islamic legislation.
Accordingly, this study consists of a preface and three demands, as follows:
1 - Introduction to the origin of Islamic legislation.
2- The first requirement: on the meaning of the Sunnah.
3- The second requirement: On the authenticity of the Sunnah.
4- The third requirement: On the status of the Sunnah in the Noble Qur’an
marei, A. A. A. (1983). From the history of Islamic legislation (legislative status of the Sunnah). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 1(1), 125-165. doi: 10.21608/bfda.1983.225713
Ali Ahmed Ali marei. "From the history of Islamic legislation (legislative status of the Sunnah)", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 1, 1, 1983, 125-165. doi: 10.21608/bfda.1983.225713
marei, A. A. A. (1983). 'From the history of Islamic legislation (legislative status of the Sunnah)', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 1(1), pp. 125-165. doi: 10.21608/bfda.1983.225713
marei, A. A. A. From the history of Islamic legislation (legislative status of the Sunnah). The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 1983; 1(1): 125-165. doi: 10.21608/bfda.1983.225713