Atheism between human freedom and the issue of apostasy

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Islamic Sharia, Faculty of Legal Studies and International Transactions, Pharos University in Alexandria


God created people on the right instinct and a good reception of the cosmic verses, and made him able to contemplate, contemplate and contemplate, and when some people deviated from this divine origin, may God have mercy on them, so He sent to them messengers and prophets, may they be guided to their Lord, so he was guided by those who purified his heart and straightened his mind, and from people who went astray And his heart was closed, and his money and his children did not increase him except in loss, and they took the path of error and took it as a way. Satan has made blasphemy and bad deeds pleasing to man, and dark-hearted people followed him, so they became immoral, and denied the right of the Creator. Some of them adopted an idol or an idol, and some of them worshiped the stars and the sky, and some of them worshiped humans, and other impotent creatures that possess neither purity nor justice for themselves. Creation to chance or theories of spontaneous generation of matter and the resurrection of life.
Despite the astonishing progress in the field of sciences and what man has made of reading about the miraculous Book of God and its secrets in His universe, there are those who continue to be in the maze of misguidance, denial and denial, as if over their eyes are the veils of injustice and darkness, so they do not find a way, and are unable to comprehend the divine miracle and the evidence of its verses on His greatness, divinity, lordship, and entitlement to all praise and obedience. Then they crossed the bounds of stubbornness and arrogance, so they reached open disbelief, and they did not see anything but themselves and their pleasures, and the narrow circle of material life, and they cast off with their narrow minds and shadowy false suspicions, trying to deceive the common people, and those who followed them from those in whom ignorance was enabled, or they were veiled from the light of guidance.
The spread of this thought threatens the normal nature of people, and casts doubt on the matter of the religion, the message, the Last Day, righteousness and uprightness over the matter of the world, and therefore opposing these ideas is one of the legitimate duties. Starting from the description of this thought and directions to reach its full and detailed realization. And take note of its awareness, methods and diversity. With a framing of the concept of choice and management, in the problematic concepts of algebra and choice. So did God force him for what he is, and that God wanted this for him, and he had no possibility of disengaging from it? While others contradicted and affirmed the absolute and uncontrolled freedom of human ability, and that the creator and creator of his actions are independent, they preferred this as well. Perhaps the one who adopts a doctrine of atheism, may rely on one of these two directions in addition to his other ideas, to justify for himself its misguidance, or argue with people and argue with them, without authority from what is transmitted or reasonable. This is in order to reach the best ways to respond to it, to refute their doctrines, the falsehood of their perceptions, the invalidity of their opinions, and to clarify the legal ruling on them and their work.


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