The Reality of the Eye between the Public and The Private: Study a Fundamentalist Study Applied to the Book of Purity

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence at the College of Studies Islamic and Arabic for boys in Qena


The research was divided into an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion.
As for the introduction: it includes the opening, the importance of the science of jurisprudence and the research plan.
As for the first chapter: the fundamentalist restriction to the issue of the reality of the eye.
It contains two topics:
The first topic: Defining the reality of the eye in language and terminology.
The second topic: the position of the fundamentalists regarding the significance of the reality of the eye in general and in particular.
As for the second chapter: Explanation of the reality of the eye in the Book of Purification and the position of the jurists on its significance
in general or in particular.
It contains ten topics:
The first topic: What is stated about the purity of sea water
The second topic: What came about heating water by the sun.
The third topic: What is stated about the purity of the utensils of the polytheists and the permissibility of their use, even if their condition is unknown.
The fourth topic: What is stated about the purification of the skin of the dead by tanning.
Fifth topic: What is stated that if an infidel becomes Muslim, he must be shaved and circumcised.
The sixth topic: What is stated in the necessity of re-ablution if the amount of victory of the one who performs it is left behind.
The seventh topic: What is stated about the permissibility of wiping over turbans and splints
The eighth topic: What is stated in the permissibility of tayammum from impurity.
The ninth topic: What is stated in the provisions of istihaadah.
The tenth topic: What is stated about the obligation of prayer, even if there is no water and dust.
As for the conclusion: it contains the most important results of the research.


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