Ruling on the Inclusion of the Nation in the Speech from Allah to the Prophet "PBUH": Applied Study on Principles of Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria Al Azhar university


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable messengers, our master Muhammad
The envoy is a mercy to the worlds, and after...
God, the Mighty and Sublime, was grateful to this nation by sending a messenger to it, whose preference is over all his messengers and prophets, and God Almighty has commanded to obey him, honor him, and follow him. It is God’s preference for His Messenger that He singled out him with discourse in many verses of the Noble Qur’an, and from here the importance of this research appears; And studying the types of speech addressed to the Prophet, and the extent to which it is general to the nation, or whether it is specific to the Prophet and does not extend to anyone else. And it became clear through this research that the scholars differed on this issue on two schools: one of them adhered to the generality of these discourses directed to the Prophet, and the owners of the other school held that it is specific to him and does not exceed it to others. Some scholars have considered the disagreement on this issue a verbal disagreement that does not result in a jurisprudential fruit, while it is likely in this research that the disagreement is moral; The dispute resulted in some branches of jurisprudence, and I mentioned it in the folds of the research.


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