Theoretical Maqamat reading in internal reception

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor / Department of Arabic Language Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Hail


Al-Maqamat An-Nazhariyah:
 A Reading in the Internal reception
 This is an applied critical study of the reception theory, searching into the creative narration in " Maqamat Yamania" ascribed to Abi Bakr Bin Muhsen Bin Abdullah Ba'abboud Al Hadhrami in 1128 H.
The study introduced an outline of the reception theory, discussing its epistemological fundamentals and main foundations in the German school of Konstanz  pioneered by Jauss  and  Iser.
Three dimensions of the reception theory were functionalized and applied to the text of maqamat:
-         The wandering reading and its role in understanding the central reception.



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