Delete the verb in the chapter “warning and temptation” and its effect on the current context Applied Grammar Study


Assistant Professor of Linguistics College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls Alexandria - Al-Azhar University Egypt


abstract: The method of warning and enticement as a matter of "order creation"; Because it is an order and a prohibition. It may be a repetition of the word, and it may be from the news section. frequent use, and the significance of the current context; One of the most important reasons for deleting the verb in the chapters on warning and temptation. When “beware” and the like were used in the chapter on warning, and “you” and the like in the chapter on temptation; The emergence of the act became one of the rejected assets, as some grammarians put it. And the significance of the present presumption is stronger in the section on warning in the obligatory omission of the verb from the door of temptation. This indicates the psychological impact between the speaker and the addressee of the occurrence of the warning, and the lack of temptation, and this indicates the life and beauty of this language; Where the sign of the place became a substitute for the appearance of the verb. and delete the verb With the repetition of the pronunciation in the chapter on warning and temptation, it indicates the strength of the speaker, the length of his breath, and his assertion that he will not miss the temptation, and the warning against him has occurred. The repetition of the noun and the sympathy for it in this chapter takes the place of “beware” and its abundance, so deleting the verb in it has become like deleting it with “beware” and the like. It is permissible to show the verb in singling out the one who is warned against it in your saying: the wall, and singling out the one who is tempted by it if you say: “your brother”; Because the pronunciation does not include lengthening, so it is permissible to omit the verb from the door of balance with the shortness of the phrase, so it is permissible to say: Beware the wall, and stick to your brother. The temptation was mentioned by a few grammarians, but most of them mentioned it briefly after the warning; Because he sees his rulings as rulings Warning, it was enough to point out that. And it is not permissible to precede what is done in the chapter on warning and temptation, in the example of your saying: You have more, so you say, for example: You have more; Because these words - even if they take the place of the verb - do not strengthen the force of the action, and do not act like it does. Because the branch has no origin power.


Main Subjects

المصارد والمراجع
- القرآن الکريم
1-                أسرار العربية لأبي البرکات الأنباري، تحقيق: د. فخر صالح قدارة، دار الجيل.
2-                الأشباه والنظائر في النحو لجلال الدين السيوطي، ط: دار الکتب العلمية -بيروت.
3-                الأصول في النحو لابن السراج، تحقيق: د. عبد الحسين الفتلي، الطبعة الأولى 1408هـ.
4-                الإنصاف في مسائل الخلاف بين البصريين والکوفيين للإمام کمال الدين أبي البرکات الأنباري، ط: دار الفکر.
5-                التصريح على التوضيح للشيخ خالد عبد الله الأزهري، ط: الحلبي.
6-                حاشية الصبان على الأشموني، ط: أولى، عيسى الحلبي.
7-                خزانة الأدب للبغدادي، تحقيق: عبد السلام هارون، ط: أولى، مکتبة الخانجي بالقاهرة 1408هـ.
8-                الخصائص لابن جني، تحقيق: د. محمد علي النجار، المکتبة العلمية.
9-                الدرر اللوامع على الهمع للشنقيطي، ط: دار الکتب.
10-          شرح ألفية ابن مالک لابن الناظم، تحقيق: الشيخ محيي الدين عبد الحميد.
11-          شرح الأشموني على ألفية ابن مالک مع حاشية الصبان، دار إحياء الکتب العلمية.
12-          شرح جمل الزجاجي لابن عصفور، تحقيق: د. صاحب أبو جناح.
13-          شرح الرضي على الکافية، ط: دار الکتب.
14-          شرح الکافية الشافية لابن مالک، تحقيق: د. عبد المنعم هريدي، ط: دار المأمون للتراث، ط 1402هـ.
15-          شرح المفصل لابن يعيش، ط: عالم الکتب -بيروت.
16-          کتاب سيبويه، تحقيق: عبد السلام هارون.
17-          لسان العرب لابن منظور، تصحيح: أمين محمد عبد الوهاب ود. محمد الصادق العبيدي، دار إحياء التراث العربي -بيروت -لبنان.
18-          معاني القرآن للفراء، تحقيق: أحمد يوسف نجاتي.
19-          المقتضب للمبرد، تحقيق: الشيخ عبد الخالق عضيمة، ط: أولى، المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية.
20-          النحو الوافي للأستاذ عباس حسن، ط: دار المعارف.
21-          همع الهوامع للسيوطي، تحقيق: أحمد شمس الدين، دار الکتب العلمية.
References :
-   alquran alkarim
1- 'asrar alearabiat li'abi bakr al'anbari, tahqiqu: da. fakhr salih qadarata, dar aljil.
2- al'ashbah walnazayir fi alnahw lijalal aldiyn alsuyuti, ta: dar alkutub aleilmiat -birut.
3- al'usul fi alnahw liabn alsaraji, tahqiqu: du. eabd alhusayn alfatli, altabeat al'uwlaa 1408hi.
4- al'iinsaf fi masayil alkhilaf bayn albasariiyn walkufiiyn lil'iimam kamal aldiyn 'abi albarakat al'anbari, ta: dar alfikri.
5- altasrih ealaa altawdih lilshaykh khalid eabd allah al'azhari, ta: alhalbi.
6- hashiat alsubaan ealaa al'ashmuni, ta: 'uwlaa, eisaa alhalbi.
7- khizanat al'adab lilbaghdadi, tahqiqu: eabd alsalam harun, ta: 'uwlaa, maktabat alkhanji bialqahirat 1408h.
8- alkhasayis liabn jini, tahqiqu: du. muhamad ealii alnajaari, almaktabat aleilmiatu.
9- aldarar allawamie ealaa alhamae lilshanqiti, ta: dar alkutub.
10-      sharh 'alfiat abn malik liabn alnaazim, tahqiqa: alshaykh muhyi aldiyn eabd alhamid.
11-      sharah al'ashmuni ealaa 'alfiat abn malik mae hashiat alsabaan, dar 'iihya' alkutub aleilmiati.
12-      sharh jamal alzujajiu liabn eusfuri, tahqiqu: du. sahib 'abu janah.
13-      sharh alradi ealaa alkafiati, ta: dar alkutub.
14-      sharh alkafiat alshaafiat liabn malk, tahqiqu: da. eabd almuneim hiridi, ta: dar almamun liltarathi, t 1402hi.
15-      sharah almufasal liabn yaeish, tu: ealam alkutub -birut.
16-      ktab sibwyhi, tahqiqu: eabd alsalam harun.
17-      lisan alearab liaibn manzur, tashihu: 'amin muhamad eabd alwahaab wada. muhamad alsaadiq aleubaydiu, dar 'iihya' alturath alearabii -birut -lubnan.
18-      meani alquran lilfara'i, tahqiqu: 'ahmad yusif najati.
19-      almuqtadab lilmubaradi, tahqiqu: alshaykh eabd alkhaliq eudaymatun, ta: 'uwlaa, almajlis al'aelaa lilshuyuwn al'iislamiati.
20-      alnahw alwafi lil'ustadh eabaas hasan, ta: dar almaearifi.
21-   hamae alhawamie lilsuyuti, tahqiqu: 'ahmad shams aldiyn, dar alkutub aleilmiati.