“Discourse Aesthetics in the Light of Methodological Establishment of Cultural Criticism Al_Ghadhami as amodel” ‎‎.


PhD in Philosophy of Literature and Criticism Assistant Professor/Department of Arabic Language at King Khalid University Abha_ College of Science and Arts, Sarat Ubaidah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Abstract :
This research attempts to trace the differences and similarities between the cultural criticism and the literary criticism in dealing with literary and artistic work, and revealing their dimensions in case of dealing with these work away from the rhetoric and aesthetic sides.
It aims also at demonstrating the importance of revealing the concealed format, and to which extent the poet is affected by his cultural readings, since most of the literary and artistic works loose their aesthetic values if they are subjected to philosophical and cultural criticism.
Therefore, the aesthetic values increase are go less according to the format which they are subjected to,
Thus, this study focuses on how the cultural reading pays more attention to the concealed philosophical and cultural dimensions in the works where the aesthetic values are more obvious and clear.


Main Subjects

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