The wishes of the poets of spinning in the Umayyad era "closeness and solitude" as a model


The importance of this research lies in the fact that it reveals to us the psychological turns and experiences experienced by these spinning poets, as well as its introspection of the  conscious and unconscious emotional state that lovers have suffered in order to communicate with the beloved, and we are honored by all the graces of those gentle sensations that have crystallized in creative poetic templates.    This study aims to delve deeper into the poetic texts related to this subject, and to explain their manifestations and objective dimensions, which reveal the depth of suffering inflicted by these lovers, as well as to prove the phenomenon of development and renewal in this purpose, which emerged as a ornament in the Umayyad era.     In my research, I relied on a descriptive analytical approach based on the study and analysis of technical phenomena, and thus access to evidence-supported interpretations.  It also made the research in a preface and three investigations and a conclusion, and the boot dedicated it to the definition of wishes and their implications in the various dictionaries,      The first theme was a study of the dualities of wishes between the past and the present, in which it dealt  with the strategies of poets in expressing their own mechanics, the creations of their consciences, and instilling their wishes in different creative ways.    The second research was devoted to the study of the wishes of psychological contacts [encounter and proximity], and for poets in this context a strange safety, they called their wide imagination to far away, so they formulated it in a creative way.      In the third thesis, I studied the subject of "solitude" in the wishes of the poets of yarn in the Umayyad era, in which she explained the psychological struggle of these poets, which lead them to the sometimes reprehensible wishful thinking


Main Subjects

  • المصادر والمراجع

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