The conflict when fundamentalists: the truth and i ue pay


PhD researcher in the principles of jurisprudence - College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, Qassim University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research deals with an important issue in the science of usul al-fiqh, and this issue relates to one of the important chapters in this science, which is the topic of contradiction and preponderance, in which I dealt with the reality of contradiction among the fundamentalists, its scope, types, conditions, and methods of payment. This research came in an introduction, four sections, and a conclusion, which showed in the introduction the importance of the topic, its objectives, and its plan, and the first section came in the definition of conflict in language and terminology, and its importance, and the second topic: in the field of conflict, its types, and the third topic: in terms of conflict And the fourth topic: Ways to push back the conflict. In conclusion: showed the most important findings, including: that the conflict is the corresponding arguments Almtsawitin on the face requires each one of them against the requirement of the other, in place of one, at the time one , and that the scholars differed between the expansion and harassment in the place of conflict , and that the conflict does not imagine the fact that between evidence peremptory and is telling the public , and That the terms of conflict antibiosis two guides, and Tsawiyehma of the terms of force and to be in the place of one, at the time one , and that scientists agree on the methods of payment of the conflict , but they differed in their order , and when the occurrence of conflict and lack of evidence it so they can be a combination , the can not so they can be to shoot -out , it can not it so they can be to copy , it can not be so they can be to precipitation , leaving work Baldlilin , which is telling the public .


Main Subjects

  • المصادر والمراجع

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