ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to focus on the linguistic side in a novel holding the name of an animal as most of the studies - within the limits of what I read - that were based on novels in which the animal constituted a main focus, were literary studies and critical readings. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical method and it was based on reading the novel in depth in which: investigation of the subject matter in question (the beaver) in its various contexts, classification of this material morphologically and grammatically, semantic analysis of some morphological formulas, grammatical and lexical links and the extent of their influence and the effect of locational syntactic in the construction of the novel and its various connotations. The research reached a number of results as the author's life has an impact on his literary work, and this has appeared in the novel as the writer got acquainted with (the beaver) while he was in Portland and on the banks of the Willam River, and he made it the focus of his narration. The emergence of the referral role in linking the parts of the narrative text and removing the existing ambiguity including the use of pronouns of the speaker that fit the novelist who rely on the narratives the self and third person pronouns that fit the events, people, and places in the narrator's mind. The role of the moral link with the presence of repetition in some of the words of the novel was emerged, which achieved coherence in the text in addition to its semantic functions of affirmation.
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Al -Hadrami, A. B. S. A. -. (2021). The Reference of the Animal in the Novel - An Applied Linguistic Study on the Novel (The Beaver) by Mohammad Hassan Elwan. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 37(1), 687-753. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2021.175284
Amal bint Salem Al -Hadrami Al -Hadrami. "The Reference of the Animal in the Novel - An Applied Linguistic Study on the Novel (The Beaver) by Mohammad Hassan Elwan", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 37, 1, 2021, 687-753. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2021.175284
Al -Hadrami, A. B. S. A. -. (2021). 'The Reference of the Animal in the Novel - An Applied Linguistic Study on the Novel (The Beaver) by Mohammad Hassan Elwan', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 37(1), pp. 687-753. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2021.175284
Al -Hadrami, A. B. S. A. -. The Reference of the Animal in the Novel - An Applied Linguistic Study on the Novel (The Beaver) by Mohammad Hassan Elwan. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2021; 37(1): 687-753. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2021.175284