Analytical study in the book (The Memory of Preservation of the Golden Mark, who died in the year: 748 AH)

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Sunnah and Hadith Sciences Taif University (Torbah Branch)


This study deals with the book Al-Allamah Al-Dhahabi (Takkur Al-Hafiz), where it is stipulated in his book that the names of the modifiers of the flag bearers be mentioned in it - and those who refer to their diligence in documenting, weakening, correcting and counterfeiting). His book, as he mentioned some of the scholars of hadith criticism who cannot be relied upon in judging the men of hadith in terms of acceptance or rejection, and he himself, as other men of hadith criticism, had stipulated a narration and knowledge that they are among the wounded. Al-Hafiz Al-Dhahabi has commented on them in his other books such as “The Balance of Ethics,” “Siyar A’lam Al-Nubala” and “Diwan Al-Dha’fa wa Al-Matroukeen.” He mentioned men of interpretation, language, grammar, and jurisprudence.

Main Subjects