The lmala (literally slanting) before the (Ha’ at - Ta’niT) the feminine Ha’ in the recitation of Imam al-Kisa'i, new perspectives in the light of modern phonetics

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Arabic Linguistics at Taibah University Madina El Monawara


The inclination of the pre-ha’ feminine in the recitation of Imam al-Kisa’i is one of the phonemic phenomena that spread among the Arabs, ancient and modern. Before the distraction as it tends before the alif, and for that the phonetic violation came to remove the weight from the similarity, but the research showed factors more attached to the phonetic analysis and consistent with modern phonology, including: The fifteen letters (Zeinab vomited to Dhud Shams) which tends to distraction They are frontal, intermediate and oral letters, and tilt is a forward movement in which the front of the tongue rises towards the hard palate, and this has a good convergence with the fifteen letters, and this has a hidden and invisible similarity, in contrast to the letters with which the inclination refrains, as they are late, elevated sounds. Move its outlet away from the tilt outlet. Also, the narrowing caused by tilting limits air flow and depletion, and this is very helpful in showing the bell of distraction that is characterized by invisibility and weakness, by providing sufficient air to remove it completely and undiminished, and this is what tilting achieves.



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