Pictures of mocking the Messengers and their followers, and terrorizing them, and God Almighty's victory over them

Document Type : Original Article




This research addresses two issues:

The first matter: Examples of the Qur’anic texts in which mockery of the Messengers - may God’s prayers and peace be upon them - and their followers from their tribes, began with the Messenger of God Noah u, and ended with the seal of the Messengers Muhammad bin Abdullah r, despite their different styles and the words they used to follow.
The second matter: Examples of the Qur’anic texts in which the compulsive and coercive expulsion of the Messengers - may God’s prayers and peace be upon them - and their followers from their people, foremost among them are the followers of every messenger, beginning with the Prophet of God, Noah u, and ending with the Seal of the Messengers Muhammad bin Abdullah r. It is of two types:

Main Subjects