Imam Malik's position on the difference


Assistant Professor of Faith and Islamic Culture Al-Azhari University and Tabuk University


The research dealt with the life of Imam Malik, may God have mercy on him, and his scientific status, a historical overview of the emergence of the sect in Islam, Imam Malik's position on heresies and their people, with the definition of heresy linguistically and idiomatically, and the categories of heresies, and the heresy in which a person is from the people of desires and innovations, and the position of Imam Malik, may God have mercy on him. Some of the sects affiliated with Islam include the Kharijites, the Murji’ahs, the Qadariyas, the Jahmiyyas, and the Rafidahs, where they were defined and their most prominent beliefs, with an explanation of Imam Malik’s position on them.
The research included an introduction and a conclusion that included the most important findings and recommendations.



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