Grammar doctrine: concept, term, presentation, report and monitoring of its origins


Professor of Grammar at King Saud University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The research shows the reasons that led to the emergence of the science of grammar, then the research monitors the grammar school in terms of concept and terminology, and this research tries to differentiate between the terms grammar school and grammar school in the history of Arabic grammar, and proves that the correct term is the term grammar school, as there are no grammatical schools similar to schools Literary literature that appeared in the West in the Renaissance.
It also studies the origins of the grammatical doctrine, which are listening, analogy, consensus, and istihab al-halal, and shows the most important grammatical terms of the Basraians and Kufics.
It explains the characteristics of both the Basri and Kufic schools of thought, and refers to the most important ancient grammarians in all Arab countries.



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