Assistant Professor/ Specialized in Interpretation and Quranic Sciences. Taif University - College of Sharia and Regulations Department of Islamic Culture - Saudi Arabia
alsawaeiduh, M. M. F. (2012). The case of Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh’s distortion of the Noble Qur’an in the books of interpretation “a critical study”. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 28(5), 14-65. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2012.147298
Mohamed Mahmoud Falah alsawaeiduh. "The case of Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh’s distortion of the Noble Qur’an in the books of interpretation “a critical study”", The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 28, 5, 2012, 14-65. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2012.147298
alsawaeiduh, M. M. F. (2012). 'The case of Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh’s distortion of the Noble Qur’an in the books of interpretation “a critical study”', The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 28(5), pp. 14-65. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2012.147298
alsawaeiduh, M. M. F. The case of Abdullah Ibn Abi Sarh’s distortion of the Noble Qur’an in the books of interpretation “a critical study”. The bulletin of the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls in Alexandria, 2012; 28(5): 14-65. doi: 10.21608/bfda.2012.147298