Al -Jalal’s grace in the acceptance of the words of the Kikil to Abu Al -Ikhlas Hassan bin Ammar Al -Shurani Al -Hanafi (d. 1069 AH) and with it the message of his Sheikh Noureddine Ali Al -Maqdisi


Member of the faculty at the Higher Institute of the Judiciary Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh.


This manuscript is a brief message in the rule of the agent, who claims after the death of his client to deliver what is all in his arrest, and the heirs did not believe him in his lawsuit, and this issue was presented to Sheikh Abi Al -Ikhlas Hassan bin Ammar Al -Shuraneli from the late Hanafi scholars, and he answered by accepting the words of the agent with his right hand to his acquittal of what He gathered, and gathered in his answer the summary of the sayings of the scholars of the Hanafi school, and called it: “Menna al -Jalil in accepting the words of the agent.” I achieved it from two written copies, so I corrected errors, graduated hadiths, documented sayings, clarifying the meanings of terms, and translating flags, with artistic indexes in the conclusion of the message.


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