The purposes of the repetition of worship


Decorah researcher in the principles of jurisprudence The College of Sharia and Islamic Studies- Al-Qassim University Saudi Arabia


This research deals with an issue of the purposes of Islamic law, which are the purposes of the repetitions of acts The purposes, the repetition in terms of related, and the repetition in terms of orders and prohibitions, the repetition in terms of specification and lack thereof, and the repetition in terms of suspension and release, and in terms of the repetition and assignment, and the repetition of considering the descent, and then spoke after that about the purposes of the lashes in acts of worship. One of the most important results reached by the research: that what is meant by defining the purposes is to achieve the interests of the servants in the urgent and term, and that acts of worship are the sum of the sayings and deeds carried out by the person who is assigned a specific way as a matter In the life of a Muslim, it is good for the hearts and integration of the interests of the servants, and that the purposes of the lashes in acts of worship revolve around four axes, namely: revealing influential descriptions, erasing and removing spoilers, integrating and protecting interests, and ladder of ends.


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