The ruler of unbearable assignment among the fundamentalists and the legal rulings of it


Assistant Professor at the Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence The Department of Islamic Studies in Aswan


The topic of research: the ruler of unbearable assignment among the fundamentalists and the legal rulings of it - the objectives of the research: highlighting one of the forms of paying the general damage to the taxpayers and the unbearable mandate, and the origins of fundamentalist and jurisprudence by studying this important topic, a study that reveals its meaning, and recognizing its terms, Its total meaning, with an indication of its importance and its impact on Islamic jurisprudence, and the solutions it provides to the fundamentalists and jurists of a number of calamities, then defining the controls of its implementation, discussing the views of that issue, and mentioning examples of al -Qaeda applications in the branches of Islamic jurisprudence and the issues of belief. Research method: It is the analytical inductive approach based on clarifying the vocabulary of the research, and the total meaning, then defining the controls of its implementation, and indicating its importance and impact on Islamic jurisprudence, extrapolation of its texts, and formulas for the fundamentalists and jurists, with extrapolation of applications among jurists. The most important results and recommendations: It appeared from the results of this research: that all legal costs are not without the presence of hardship in it, except that this hardship differs from one assignment to another, and from one cost to another. And that the assignment of the unbearable is: a word called what was refrained from falling to the majority of scholars. And it is required in the verb in which the Sharia speech is attached, conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the assignment permissible, including that it is known and non-existent, and by God-the Almighty-, and obtained by the deed. Refer to the verb assigned to it. And that the shops are not valid unanimously, and one of the most important reasons for the difference in the unbearable assignment is the difference in mental improvement and ugliness, and the most correct opinion in the unbearable assignment in the issues that differ in it is permissible in the mind and is not legally and is legitimate, and that the dispute is in The issue of unbearable assignment, verbal disagreement, and if it has an effect on fundamentalist and communicative issues, and that the difference in the unbearable assignment results in the disagreement in the assignment of the heedless, so whoever prevents the unbearable assignment is necessary for him not to be assigned to the heavy. Its principles, and he did not darken the mind so that it distinguishes the use of it between things, it does not prevent the assignment and directing the speech. The most important recommendations: The care of the fundamentalists with these issues and important issues that should be familiar with and surrounded in order for the person to understand the limits of the divine costs that are demanding the work of an encyclopedia of fundamentalist rules that include applied and applied studies, and the need to link the purposes of Sharia and the branches of Islamic jurisprudence.


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