"The subject is the subject ... its evil, its gravity, and the ways of preventing it"


The Department of Hadith and its Sciences - The Education and Arts College Tabuk University - Saudi Arabia


This research talks about: "The subject is the subject of its evil and its gravity, and ways to prevent it", and the importance of this topic is in the statement of the general controls to know the subject of the subject; So that we can beware of it, prevent his evil and danger, to highlight the efforts of modern scholars in criticizing the hadiths, explaining their ills, and explaining the foundations and controls that they followed in criticizing the hadiths; To find out the correct one of the nicknames, and the good of the good. Among the most prominent reasons that prompted me to choose this topic: that- unfortunately- the hadiths and deliberation are still a prominent place, and a clear use in some speeches, sermons, instructions, and literature, and that here is a large segment of people in the Muslim community receiving these hadiths and deliberation without inheritance or narration. Or prove, so that the scourge prevented; As this is a great scourge, and a great danger, which works to demolish one of the main aspects of our true religion; Whereas, these bodies- and everyone who follows them- take from these rumors and issues, visible to the Mustafa- may God bless him and grant him peace-, and a desire to undermine the glue Sharia, and a means to underestimate the laws of Islam. In this research, it relied on the descriptive analytical approach. The research plan came as follows: an introduction, and in it: the importance of the topic, the reasons for its choice, the research curriculum, and the research plan. Then four investigations, I talked about the first topic on: the definition of the hadith, and I spoke in the second topic on: the narration of the hadith that is the subject, and the judgment of it, and I spoke in the third topic on: the reasons for the situation in the hadith, and the position of scholars on that, and I spoke in the fourth topic on: General controls to find out the subject hadith. The research reached several results, the most prominent of which was that the Shiites had the largest share in the hadith position; As they exaggerated the situation of hadiths, especially as they support their heresy, and therefore, the scholars and imams have warned them. And that the jurisprudence speakers rose from the first day when the passions grew, and the transfers spread, with their scientific and religious duty in revealing falsehoods and topics, nudity of the invalid and the models, their curtain, and their nakedness, and distinguished the right people from the subject. The research was recommended to hold training courses for mosques, imams, and preachers; In order to train them in how to deal with the hadiths established and Israeli accounts, and avoid citing them in their sermons and lessons.


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