The authenticity of Arabic strays, rooting and grammatical study in the book “The strays in the language of As-Saghani (T.: 650 AH)” as a model.


Researchers rarely pay attention to standard Arabic ramifications, despite the precious treasures they contain. The nature of living languages ​​is the ability to survive by examining their rich lexical materials. The study used the descriptive and analytical approach to the grammatical strays in the book “Strays for the Sagani” and came in four sections: The first topic: grammatical strays specialized in the name - The second topic: the already specialized grammatical strays - The third topic: The grammatical strays specialized in the letter - the fourth topic: strays in grammatical deletion. The study reached many results that show the value of the strays book and its collection of various methods and uses of formal and non-formal linguistic uses, then the study was presented to prove the most important sources and references that the study used.


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