Endowment of money "a comparative jurisprudence study"


Instructor of comparative jurisprudence at the College of Sharia and Law Cairo Al-Azhar University Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence at the College of Sharia and Law Jazan University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The endowment was not known in the pre-Islamic era, rather it was introduced by Islam, and it was the first endowment in it, our master Omar - may God be pleased with him - for his share in Khaybar. It is one of the tributaries of goodness in this world and after death, in this world with good remembrance and speech, and after death with ongoing reward that does not cease from its owner. It is an important source of development and bridging the need in society, thanks to the diversity of its sources of real estate and movable property, which are the subject of diligence for jurists. And the issue of waqf money, even if it is old in its jurisprudence, is modern in most of its applications, and it may be more likely to say that it is permissible to endow it with the controls mentioned in its place, and this weighting of permission has encouragement to endowment; Because the endowment of real estate may not be able to all people, or some people may think about it; To expensive it. With this, the International Islamic Fiqh Academy emanating from the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which was held in Muscat (Sultanate of Oman), in its Resolution No. 140 (6/15) regarding the investment of the endowment and its yields and proceeds, which was confirmed by the International Sharia Scholars Forum in Kuala Lumpur in October 2017, This is also what was stipulated in Sharia Standard No. (33), regarding endowments, issued by the Sharia Board of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions.


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