Al-Alusi’s Traces of Scholars in Excepted Verses of the Medina Surahs in his Interpretation (Collection and Study)


Assistant Professor of Interpretation - Department of Quranic Studies - College of Education King Saud University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Al-Alusi’s biography has great scientific value, and it contains repercussions and discussions on many commentators. In this research, I traced Al-Alusi's tracks on scholars in the excluded verses of the Medinan surahs in his interpretation, and I came up with a number of issues, and I studied them in a scientific study and explained the most correct ones. This research included an introduction, a preface, five sections, a conclusion, and indexes. The introduction included the importance of the research and the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, research methodology, research procedures, and research plan. The preamble included the translation of Imam Al-Alusi and the definition of his interpretation. Then five chapters in which the issues of Al-Alusi’s follow-up to the scholars are detailed in explaining the sayings of the scholars and discussing them and coming up with the most correct saying with an explanation of the reasons for the weighting. Then the conclusion contained the most important results and recommendations.


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